Saturday, November 30, 2013

Little Stock

Here are some random cute pictures of my handsome little man.

He is the Mockingjay.

So little. He doesn't like to take naps with me like Brooklyn did!

He likes sleeping like this.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving! We had a nice time. We went bowling in the morning with Craig's family, then had a nice dinner with mine. I was a little nervous taking Stock to a bowling alley when he is so little (hello germs), but we still had fun. Brooklyn loved it! She loves bowling a lot, and she jumps up and down a million times until it's her turn again. Oh, to have that much energy. 

This is all I got of dinner. It was good though!!

So Thanksgiving was nice, except for when we got home and I had a major abdomen attack and had to to go to the hospital in the ambulance because I couldn't breathe. Turns out I have gall stones. Yay! Good thing the neighbors came over to take the kids while I was writhing on the bathroom floor with no pants on. 

This is from a few days ago, when we went to see Catching Fire with Stockton! We felt pretty brave, considering we didn't take Brooklyn to a movie until she was like 2. And all the babysitters I trusted were with us! It was a little nerve-wracking, because this was opening weekend, and we didn't want to disturb anyone's amazing experience. He was pretty good, but made a lot of baby sounds during the quiet parts. 

Excited for Divergent!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I have some lucky kids. Not because they have me and Craig, but because they have each other. What a blessing it is to have siblings. Right now, Brooklyn just adores Stockton. He is her world. I love seeing them together, and see how Stock stares at her, and how she takes care of him. Sure, she's had a few moments of anger when he cries to much (usually involving her smacking him in the face), but generally speaking she is a fantastic sister. I look forward to seeing them grow up together.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dobble Dobble

Happy Thanksgiving from Brooklyn! She's been wandering around the house mumbling, "dobble dobble dobble..." It's adorable. Love my little girl!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


We've had lots of visitors. It's been so nice this time around, because Brooklyn gets excited to see people too. Everyone has been so eager to meet Stockton, and I've loved showing him off. :) I love my family so much! Again, we had some people come when I didn't have the camera out. 

Great-Aunt Nancy.

Grandma Davis





 Grandpa Hanks

Brielle, Marissa, and Tanner


Great-Grandma Hanks

Another sweet one with Brooklyn

 Me and the Kiddos

 And here we are with my mom. She was my saving grace with this baby. She came up for two weeks to help me. I couldn't have done this without her, and I am so grateful for this thoughtful, caring, amazing lady. She took care of both kids so wonderfully, and did countless activities with Brooklyn. She got up early so I could sleep in after being up in the night. She stayed up late so I could get some sleep. My mom is the best. I was able to sleep, and she gave me much needed support, as this newborn stage has been harder than my previous. :) I don't know what I will do without her now. Love you, Mom!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fantasy Football Champ

Craig is the fantasy football champion. He's been champion for the whole year, but the trophy was just made, so we are enjoying it as it graces our mantle. :) He is awesome! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stock's First Bath

He definitely loves getting a bath! He was so good, and so happy. Every time the towel got close to his face, he tried to eat it. Hopefully this means he is a water baby! We are loving every minute of this kid.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Zoo for the Big Sister

Well, lucky Brooklyn got to go to the zoo with Grandma Davis and Angela! With all the new excitement with the baby, it was nice for her to have something fun to do, where she was the center of attention. :) She's done so well with Stockton, and doesn't seem to be suffering any neglect, but this was really exciting for her. She had a great time! We are lucky to have such awesome family. :)