Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's raining buckets!

No, it's not really raining. But we had our first weekend guest stay with us! My beloved Bucket!! Mom and Dad came to visit for the weekend, and they brought Bucket with them, to stay with me and Craig. It was glorious. We went to the bank, the park, the Hanks's, the Carters', the Mills's... It was quite a weekend. Poor guy was about ready to collapse when we handed him back over to Dad for the trip home. Then yesterday we de-Bucketized the house, washing all the sheets and vaccuuming the floor and couch. He sure does shed alot. But it was fun to have him.

We had our video party on Saturday! All of the siblings and their families made videos of stories from the Book of Mormon or Bible, and then we all got together and watched them. We have some creative minds in our family. It was so fun, and it turns out the kids are great actors! We sat outside at JD's house and he projected it onto the side of the house, whilst we sat in our campchairs and on our blankets, eating treats. It was great.

All in all, we had a great weekend. Now it's back to school and back to work!