Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree....

Oh Christmas tree, I love you.

Me and Craiggy bought our first Christmas tree! Woo hoo! We are putting it up Saturday... Don't fear, it's only a week early. Most people will put it up next Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. We want to do it before Thanksgiving because then when Mom and Dad are here they can come over and see! Not only am I excited for the tree, but for all the decorations! I have alot, and I can't wait to decorate our tiny living space. It will be grand.

Thanksgiving is next week! I can't wait - Mom and Dad are coming, and I'm excited to see them. They won't bring Bucket this time, I'm sure. :( But all the family will be there this year (except Matt and Jen) and we will have great fun! This is the year I will learn to cook something Thanksgiving-related. Yahoozie!

We made our Christmas lists on Monday. It was kind of awkward, because I didn't know what to put. Usually around this time I have a list of 100 things I want already. On my list it said "#1 - a duffel bag. #2 - Ohs." That's it! Haha I can't think of what I want. I want a bigger house, that's what I want. And no need for a job. That's my new list! I'm quitting my job and we're moving out!

I just wrote an 8 page research paper on stem cell research. Blah. I hate school!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Well, I am just getting over the swine flu. I got it last Tuesday and was out of school and work for over a week. It was horrible! Craiggles brought me a box of otter pops, so they kept me company along with all the scary movies on tv for Halloween... You know Halloween is my least favorite holiday. It doesn't make me feel happy and everyone looks nasty.

We've had a relatively uneventful month except for that, and we're excited for Christmas!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

4 Months!

Today is our 4 month anniversary. Woo hoo! How did we do it?! I don't know. But it has been great. Right now we are in the thick of school and work and a million other things - at least that makes it hard to get bored! Today I dropped a jar of peaches and it made a hole in my floor. At least those peaches are safe! They were freshly canned by Melanie and me. Delicious!

I got transferred to a new branch at work, and it's farther from my house. :( Boo. But the people seem really nice there, and have accepted me as one of their own.

Other than that, there's really nothing new going on here. We're looking forward to our upcoming Vegas trip in a few weeks (yay!!), especially because it's starting to get cold. :/

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's raining buckets!

No, it's not really raining. But we had our first weekend guest stay with us! My beloved Bucket!! Mom and Dad came to visit for the weekend, and they brought Bucket with them, to stay with me and Craig. It was glorious. We went to the bank, the park, the Hanks's, the Carters', the Mills's... It was quite a weekend. Poor guy was about ready to collapse when we handed him back over to Dad for the trip home. Then yesterday we de-Bucketized the house, washing all the sheets and vaccuuming the floor and couch. He sure does shed alot. But it was fun to have him.

We had our video party on Saturday! All of the siblings and their families made videos of stories from the Book of Mormon or Bible, and then we all got together and watched them. We have some creative minds in our family. It was so fun, and it turns out the kids are great actors! We sat outside at JD's house and he projected it onto the side of the house, whilst we sat in our campchairs and on our blankets, eating treats. It was great.

All in all, we had a great weekend. Now it's back to school and back to work!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First post!

Well all of my eager followers, I have finally decided to join the bandwagon and create a blog! Since Craiggles and I hardly ever talk to anyone anymore, perhaps this will keep us all on the same page.

We have been married for 3 months now! I know. If anyone needs marital advice, come to me. :) Yeah right. But it has been wonderful! Our lives are quite busy and we hardly get to see each other anymore, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. :) Right now Craiggles goes to work (finance department of CR England) half the week, and school the other half. He is taking 5 classes (yuck) and is majoring in accounting, for those who remain unawares. I am working every day(Wells Fargo) and taking night classes (also yuck). Hence the never seeing each other. So life is busy, but great!

Mom and Dad are coming to visit for the weekend! Yay! I wish Matt and Jen were coming too.... Grrrr... But I guess I can't expect them to come visit us every time I want them to!

Bucket is doing well at home, I hear. I miss his furry little face but we will be together again someday.

Well, that's about all I can think of to say for now! I'm making chicken fingers tonight. I hope they're delicious!