Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hello, Stress!

Hello, Stress! It's so nice to see you again. It's been awhile, so I guess I'll take my turn with you.

I am going to de-stress for just a moment, so skip this paragraph if you don't want to hear it! I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm trying to balance  - deep breath - starting school (2 classes that are both ridiculously hard), packing for our move, fixing up a house, dealing with a teething toddler, trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant (8 months and counting), doing massage, being a CureSearch committee member, teaching piano lessons and singing lessons, PLUS cooking, cleaning, studying, exercising, socializing, grocery shopping, laundry-ing, and being husbandless every night while he goes to the house! (All said in one big breath!) AHHHHH! I guess while I'm at it I should include breathing, sleeping, showering and did I mention having a cranky, whiny baby attached to my hip who won't eat or sleep? And I have bad hair days - every day. AND I've been sick! AND I've had a strained muscle in my shoulder for months that just won't go away, and that makes everything worse. Ugh! Does it never end?!?

I need a vacation.

Speaking of vacations, we went up to Trial Lake with Craig's family on Friday, and it was awesome. Brooklyn had a great time - pictures to come. Then she screamed for the entire hour and a half drive home. That helped my headache.

Luckily I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and gives me tender mercies! I have at least one moment a day when I look at Brooklyn and just love her (of course I always love her but I'm talking moments here). She is so beautiful and perfect and special in that moment. I am so blessed to have her, and to have Craig, who puts up with having a crazy wife. He is my rock and keeps me grounded (even if it means bursting my bubble every once in awhile). Really, my life is great. And crazy. And great.

Another house update to come as well!

1 comment:

  1. Uh...I think it's time to simplify. Girlfriend, you need it. I don't know how you're surviving.
