Monday, March 12, 2012

From Angel to Monster

Yes, teething is the devil. I'm sure it hurts like the devil. And it certainly turns my little angel into a monster! Side note: it turns me into a crazy. If you were to come over to my house during the day when Brooklyn is awake, my hair would be all askew, and I would have the crazy eyes and loopy smile. It is the worst. I can't even explain how awful it is; only those who have experienced it will understand. And it's awful. Horrible. Makes me want to scream. Brooklyn is cutting 6 teeth - four molars and two in the front. She whines and cries all day, and I do all I can but I can't take the pain away. Behind my crazy eyes is hurt that I can't help her. It's a helpless feeling, and I don't like it!

On a different note, I got to see my childhood best friend at her wedding reception! So excited for her! She looked beautiful, and it was great to see her after so many years (I think since my own wedding).

My dad came in town to audition for a movie about Ephraim Hanks, so i got to spend some time with him. Love my bunch of crazies!

Brooklyn's new discovery - paper ripping! It's so fun, and Mommy gets to crawl around and pick up all the pieces when she goes to bed! It's an exciting ceremony accompanied with a yell whenever a piece is torn and thrown to the floor.

And she knows what no is. When she is doing something naughty (like playing with the DVD player), she'll either shake her head "no" while doing it, or stop right before and look at me. Then she does it anyway.

She loves to read. I catch her every day reading to herself in her room. It's adorable.

And her other new favorite game besides paper ripping and screaming. This one I like. She takes an object - in this picture, a crayon - and puts it in her room. One by one she takes the rest of the crayons and makes a pile. When they're all gone, she takes them one by one to another spot in the house. Etc, etc... Love it! It occupies her for at least a half hour on a good day. She does it with blocks, books... anything she can carry. She does it with her food too. Here is one of the spots - in the baby swing!

Today I took her to the castle park in West Jordan, and swung on the swing. She's never done it before and I wish I'd had my camera! It was so cute - she was smiling and laughing the whole time. And it was such a nice day today (besides the wind). We had a great time. Next time we go to the park, I'm bringing my camera! She's such a big girl. She says "hi" to everyone. Most of the time when they aren't looking, or if they are a dog. :)

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