Thursday, February 2, 2012


Yes, he's holding two slim jims.

Birthdays are my favorite. For some reason, when it's someone's birthday in my family, I have a great day. Nothing can get me down. Birthdays are like a drug to me. Haha in a good way! Anyway, today is Craiggy's birthday! And oh, the day I've had. I started out by writing him a lengthy letter which I left on the table for him when he got up. I got up early to go swimming and was the first to tell him happy birthday (this is important to me)! I had carved "I love you" with a heart into the bar of soap in our shower, and secretly got a little post-it in his lunchbox. Which is good, because apparently they forgot at work that it was his birthday, and didn't do the normal celebration. :( SO when I got home from swimming, it had snowed! It hasn't snowed practically all winter, and I was pretty excited. I was even more excited to jump out of my car and scrape his car off! I brushed off all the snow and wrote "I love you" again in the snow on the hood of the car. Oh, what fun! I went inside to see him playing with Brooklyn, who woke up before work for the first time in weeks. She must have known it was his birthday and wanted to see him (he has school Wed and Thurs nights, so he sees her Tuesdays, and then not until Friday night). We shared a lovely birthday hug and kiss, and we waved him on his way. We went all the way outside to wave as he drove away. What a guy.

In honor of my beloved's birthday, I want to share the 5 things I love most about him. I know a lot of grateful women out there think their husbands are the best, but for me, it's Craiggy.
  1. His desire to be righteous. He is the guy who loves to be at every service project, church meeting, or anything of the sort. Like, he really loves to be there. Not because he's supposed to, but because he values the feeling of doing what's right over any other feeling. He has learned that you can't replace that peace with anything else, and I love him for it. I know I can count on him to do the right thing.
  2. His sense of humor. Craig can find a way to put humor into anything. For those of you who know him, you may wonder what I mean, because he is quiet. He's quiet around others, not because he's shy but because he doesn't have anything to say. But when he does.. watch out. He makes me laugh every single day in the most random and unforeseen ways. He is the master of using inside jokes to his advantage (for example, I can NOT stay mad when he imitates the little ballerina girl from AFV), and isn't afraid to look silly if it makes me laugh. His expressions and outbursts are priceless.
  3. He's willing to do anything to make me happy. It's hard to be at home all day with a 14-month old, and especially when he has school 2 nights in a row during the week. Life can be tough. But he always comes home with a smile (often a tired smile) for me, and sometimes he'll bring me home a special treat if I've had an especially rough day. Granted, I do occasionally have to hint strongly or say straight up if I want one, but he is always willing to do it. Whatever it is. No matter how he's feeling, he puts me and Brooklyn as his #1 priority, and I love that. We are always first for him.
  4. His ever-lasting patience with Brooklyn and me. I have never seen him roll his eyes when I ask him to change a diaper, even in the middle of the night. He doesn't complain about giving her baths or feeding her when he's home. He never says, "I just want to relax!" even though I know he does. He treats that girl like a princess. He treats me like a princess, and heaven knows I don't act like one.
  5. His hygiene. Yes, I realize that sounds weird. It's something I don't know if I'll ever fully appreciate, seeing that I've never lived with any other men. He is immaculate. He never leaves his stuff laying around (literally, never), showers every day, makes the bed (at least his side, if I'm still sleeping), does the dishes, picks up toys, and he constantly smells good. Just naturally. Again, I love it!
Really, I could go on, but I'll spare you. I love Craig so so so much, and I hope I succeed in showing him. Tonight he has class and won't be home until at least 10 pm, but I have my massage table all set up and ready for him when he gets home! I wish I could give him more, because I know he deserves it, but he always tells me what he wants most is for me to be happy. So that's what I'm working on - cause you know that when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

Happy birthday to my sweet Craiggy! You are my hero.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Craig! He is an amazing man! You are a LUCKY girl Alissa! Love you all!
